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Association of late-life depression with cognitive impairment: Evidence from a cross-sectional study among older adults in India

BMC Geriatrics Jun 20, 2021

Muhammad T, et al. - Using data from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India Wave 1 (2017-18), researchers sought to estimate the prevalence and correlates of late-life depression (LLD) as well as cognitive impairment and also investigated their links among older adults in India. This analysis involved 31,464 (15,098 men and 16,366 women) older persons aged 60 years and above. For the current sample, overall prevalence of LLD and cognitive impairment was estimated to be 8.7% and 13.7 % respectively. Findings revealed an elevated risk of cognitive decline and dementia in relation to depression; thus, failure in detecting and managing LLD in later life may have significant health implications. It has been advised that treatment under the care of a cognitive neurologist or geriatric psychiatrist should be received by individuals with LLD and cognitive disability because of both the disorders' complex existence.

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