Association of initiation of maintenance dialysis with functional status and caregiver burden
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jul 11, 2019
Goto NA, et al. - Among participants from the Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients Starting Dialysis study, researchers focused on the link of the initiation of dialysis in older subjects (aged ≥65 years) suffering ESKD with functional status and caregiver burden. Overall 187 participants had functional data available among 196 included participants. The study sample had a mean age of 75±7 years and comprised of 33% women. Age and a high Groningen Frailty Indicator vs low score were found to be related to functional decline/death in the multivariable analysis. Findings revealed a high prevalence of functional decline in patients aged ≥65 years within the first 6 months following initiating dialysis. Older and frail patients had a higher risk. Decline in instrumental activities of daily life was identified as the main driver of loss in functional status. Moreover, a rise in caregiver burden was reported to accompany the initiation of dialysis.
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