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Association of habitual daily physical activity with glucose tolerance and β-cell function in adults with impaired glucose tolerance or recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes from the restoring insulin secretion (RISE) study

Diabetes Care Jun 13, 2019

Temple KA, et al. – In this study involving adults with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or drug-naïve with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes, researchers studied the link between habitual daily physical activity and measures of glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and β-cell responses. The study sample consisted of 230 adults who completed a 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and hyperglycemic clamp. No association of total physical activity counts (TAC) with fasting plasma glucose, 2-hour glucose, or glucose incremental area under the curve was found after adjustments for confounders. Findings suggested an association of higher TAC with higher insulin sensitivity (M/I). Higher TAC was not linked to measures of β-cell response after adjusting for M/I. The authors concluded that higher levels of habitual physical activity were related to higher insulin sensitivity in adults with IGT or drug-naïve with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

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