Association of glomerular hyperfiltration with serum chemokine levels and metabolic features in prepubertal children with overweight/obesity
Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases May 26, 2020
Muzzio ML, Kabakian ML, Morosán-Allo Y, et al. - In this cross-sectional study, researchers explored the correlation of glomerular hyperfiltration (GH), defined as GFR >135 ml/min.1.73 m2, with serum chemokine levels and metabolic features in prepubertal children with overweight (OW)/obesity (OB). Participants in the study were 75 prepubertal children (aged: 9.0 ± 1.7 years) with OW/OB. Clinical and metabolic characteristics (including non-esterified fatty acids) and GFR (combined Zappitelli equation) have been evaluated. Findings suggested no association of GH with higher chemokine levels in prepubertal children with OW/OB. Decreased GFR values were associated with obesity and worse metabolic profiles, rather than elevated values. Chemokine levels in children with extreme OB are indicative of immune response regulation. Clinical implications of these findings need to be addressed by follow-up studies.
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