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Association of genomic domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with prostate cancer risk and aggressiveness

Cancer Research Jan 27, 2020

Patel VL, Busch EL, Friebel TM, et al. - Given increased risk and severity of prostate cancer has been shown in relation to pathogenic sequence variants (PSV) in BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/2), researchers assessed if PSVs in BRCA1/2 were related to the risk of overall prostate cancer or high grade (Gleason 8+) prostate cancer. For this purpose, they analyzed an international population of 65 BRCA1 and 171 BRCA2 male PSV carriers with prostate cancer, and 3,388 BRCA1 and 2,880 BRCA2 male PSV carriers without prostate cancer. Findings revealed that PSVs in the 3′ region of BRCA2 (c.7914+) were significantly related to high risk of prostate cancer vs reference bin c.1001-c.7913, as well as high risk of Gleason 8+ prostate cancer. Elevated prostate cancer risk and high risk of Gleason 8+ prostate cancer were also observed in relation to c.756-c.1000. Therefore, the possible link of specific BRCA2 PSVs with an elevated risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer was suggested in this study.
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