Association of dry eye disease with dyslipidemia and statin use
American Journal of Ophthalmology May 15, 2020
Aldaas K, Ismail OM, Hakim J, et al. - In this retrospective, case-control study, researchers intended to determine if there is an association between dry eye disease (DED) and statin use and/or dyslipidemia. Participants in the study were 72,931 individuals seen at University of North Carolina ophthalmology clinics over a 10 year period. Thirty-nine thousand three hundred thirty-six people (53.9% female) were analyzed after exclusion of individuals with confounding risk factors for DED. Data reported that the chances of carrying a diagnosis of DED given the presence of low, moderate, and high-intensity statin use were 1.39, 1.47, and 1.46, respectively. It was noted that the chances of carrying a diagnosis of DED given the presence of total cholesterol > 200, HDL < 40, LDL > 130, and TGs > 150 were 1.66, 1.45, 1.55, and 1.43, respectively. A history of use of statin or dyslipidemia is correlated with increased chances of a DED diagnosis.
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