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Association of chorioamnionitis and its duration with adverse maternal outcomes by mode of delivery: A cohort study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 18, 2019

Venkatesh KK, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers examined if chorioamnionitis and its duration are associated with adverse maternal outcomes by mode of delivery. Using data from the Consortium on Safe Labor Study in the USA (2002–2008), they analyzed singleton deliveries at ≥23 weeks of gestation (221,274 assessed deliveries, 62,331 by cesarean section). Outcomes revealed increased odds of adverse maternal outcomes with cesarean delivery in correlation to chorioamnionitis, but not to the estimated duration. In care programmes, these findings could be considered to prevent maternal morbidity after a cesarean section complicated by chorioamnionitis.
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