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Association of chemotherapy and radiotherapy sequence with overall survival in locoregionally advanced endometrial cancer

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 23, 2019

Goodman CR, et al. - In this observational cohort study, researchers used propensity score-adjusted matched cohorts to determine the association of adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) followed by radiotherapy (RT) with overall survival (OS) in women with FIGO Stage III-IVA Type 1 (grade 1–2, endometrioid) endometrial cancer (EC). Participants had a hysterectomy and then multi-agent CT and/or RT from 2004 to 2014 at Commission on Cancer-accredited hospitals. Overall 5,795 women were included; of those, 1,260 (21.7%) were treated with RT only, 2,465 (42.5%) with CT only, 593 (9.7%) with RT before CT, and 1,506 (26.0%) with RT after CT. In this patient population, longer OS was observed in relation to treatment with multi-agent CT followed by RT vs treatment with RT followed by CT or either treatment alone.

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