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Association of breastfeeding and malocclusion in 5-year-old children: Multilevel approach

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Aug 13, 2018

Corrêa-Faria P, et al. - Researchers gauged the correlation between the proportion of breastfed children at the city level and the prevalence of malocclusion in primary dentition at age 5. They extracted the information on malocclusion and individual sociodemographic characteristics from the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey. Regardless of sociodemographic factors, an association of lower prevalence of malocclusion with a higher proportion of children breastfed at ages 9 to 12 months at a city level was noted among 5-year-old children. The importance of encouraging breastfeeding during a child's first year is highlighted in the findings.

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