Association of body composition and intradialytic hypotension in hemodialysis patients
Blood Purification Feb 27, 2020
Tian M, et al. - In this observational cohort analysis including patients receiving prevalent hemodialysis (HD), researchers investigated if the lean tissue index (LTI), fat tissue index (FTI), or both derived from body composition monitoring was related to intradialytic hypotension (IDH), defined as a nadir intradialytic systolic blood pressure of < 90 mm Hg and ≥ 3 episodes hypotension per 10 HD treatments. A slightly higher prevalence of diabetes was reported in IDH patients vs non-IDH patients. Low LTI and high FTI, but not high BMI were shown to be related to greater odds of IDH (“high” as above median and “low” as below median) in logistic regression models. After further stratification of patients, by both the LTI and FTI, into 4 different body composition groups, it was found that only the low LTI/high FTI group was linked with a significantly higher odds of IDH. Overall, it was inferred that a better correlation of IDH occurrence can be afforded by LTI and FTI vs the BMI alone among prevalent HD patients. The low LTI/high FTI seemed to be most related to IDH. There is a necessity to define an optimal body composition for preventing IDH occurrence.
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