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Association of BMI and height with the risk of endometrial cancer, overall and by histological subtype: A population-based prospective cohort study in Japan

European Journal of Cancer Prevention Apr 05, 2019

Kawachi A, et al. - In this prospective study of 53,651 Japanese women aged 40–69 years, researchers examined how the risk of endometrial cancer, overall and by histological subtype, was influenced by BMI and height. For this purpose, they used a Cox proportional hazards regression model with adjustment for potential confounders. Participants were followed for an average duration of 18.6 years. They found positive associations of overweight and obesity with the risk of endometrial cancer. Women with a BMI of at least 27.0 kg/m2 had an increased risk of endometrial cancer. Among a population with a relatively low BMI vs western populations, the association of BMI with type 1 but not with type 2 endometrial cancer risk was evident, by histological subtype. Height did not show statistically significant relation to endometrial cancer risk.
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