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Association of B-type natriuretic peptide level with residual kidney function in incident peritoneal dialysis patients

Peritoneal Dialysis International Mar 16, 2019

Kawai Y, et al. - In this prospective study, researchers examined the link between B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and residual kidney function (RKF) in 89 patients who had started and continued peritoneal dialysis (PD) for 6 months or more and were categorized as low BNP (≤ 102.1 ng/L) and high BNP (> 102.1 ng/L) groups based on the median plasma BNP level at PD initiation. Median follow-up of 30 months was performed, which revealed a 5.87-fold increased risk for RKF loss among participants in the high BNP group vs the low BNP group following adjustment for clinical and cardiac parameters. Younger vs older participants demonstrated a more clear association of a high plasma BNP level with RKF loss. Overall, BNP could have utility in indicating risk for RKF loss in PD patients.
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