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Association of aspirin use with postoperative hematoma and bleeding complications in foot and ankle surgery: A retrospective study

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery May 31, 2019

Hassan MK, et al. - Researchers reviewed the medical records of 379 patients [238 patients took 81 mg of aspirin preoperatively and 141 did not] treated over a 3-year period to examine how perioperative aspirin ingestion before foot and ankle surgery influence the incidence of postoperative bleeding, hematoma formation, and wound dehiscence. Postoperative bleeding complications developed in 3 patients, 2 were taking aspirin and 1 was not. Wound complication and healing rates were similar among patients taking aspirin and those not taking aspirin. Evacuation of postoperative hematomas was done in the clinic under sterile conditions, which healed by secondary intention. As per these findings, using aspirin perioperatively seems safe and effective in foot and ankle surgery patients. They noted good surgical outcomes with minimal postoperative complications in patients taking aspirin.
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