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Association of ankle dorsiflexion with plantar fasciitis

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Mar 11, 2021

Lee SH, Suh DH, Kim HJ, et al. - This research was sought to correlate the mean ankle dorsiflexion range between individuals with and without plantar fasciitis using passive ankle dorsiflexion with consistent pressure and to distinguish the prevalence of an isolated gastrocnemius and gastrocnemius soleus complex contracture in 2 groups. Researchers prospectively divided 91 participants into the plantar fasciitis group (45 subjects) and the control group (46 subjects). They assessed ankle dorsiflexion with the knee extended and with the knee flexed 90° applying a standard orthopedic goniometer while a consistent force of 2 kg was applied under the plantar surface of the forefoot using a custom-made scale. The interobserver and intraobserver reliability of the current ankle dorsiflexion measurement were ascertained by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients. As per the results, no significant differences were found in passive ankle dorsiflexion and in the prevalence of an isolated gastrocnemius or gastrocnemius soleus complex contracture between individuals with and without plantar fasciitis.

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