Association of abdominal adiposity with cardiovascular mortality in incident hemodialysis
American Journal of Nephrology Nov 18, 2018
Fitzpatrick J, et al. - Researchers assessed the link between waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), a metric of abdominal adiposity, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, particularly sudden cardiac death (SCD), among 379 participants incident (< 6 months) to hemodialysis enrolled in the Predictors of Arrhythmic and Cardiovascular Risk in ESRD study. They also determined associations for non-CVD mortality. These links were examined using Cox proportional hazards regression models. According to findings, a remarkable association of WHR with CVD mortality including SCD was observed in incident hemodialysis independently of other CVD risk factors. By means of this simple, easily obtained bedside metric, CVD risk stratification in dialysis patients could be aided.
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