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Association between the social isolation and depressive symptoms after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Findings from the baseline survey of the TMM CommCohort study

BMC Public Health May 28, 2021

Kotozaki Y, Tanno K, Sakata K, et al. - In this analysis, the baseline study data of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Community-Based Cohort Study (TMM CommCohort Study) was utilized to determine if the combination of the house damage and social isolation or the combination of the death of family members and social isolation was related to depressive symptoms among survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Social isolation and depressive symptoms presence was characterized by an Lubben social network scale 6 score of < 12 and a Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depressive Scale score of ≥16, respectively. There was a significant link of social isolation with depressive symptoms. A higher risk of depressive symptoms was observed in relation to a combination of social isolation and severe house damage and the death of family members due to a large-scale natural disaster, albeit the interaction was not statistically significant.

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