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Association between testosterone, semen parameters, and live birth in men with unexplained infertility in an intrauterine insemination population

Fertility and Sterility Apr 19, 2019

Trussell JC, et al. - The prospective, randomized, multicenter clinical trial, Assessment of Multiple Intrauterine Gestations from Ovarian Stimulation (AMIGOS), was secondarily analyzed to ascertain if abnormal spermatogenesis and lower fecundity are present in men with unexplained infertility and low total T (TT). AMIGOS included 900 couples with unexplained infertility. Of these, 781 men (mean age, 34.2 ± 5.7 years) with a median (interquartile range) TT of 411 (318–520) ng/dL were included in this secondary analysis. Low TT was not identified to be correlated with semen volume < 1.5 mL, sperm concentration < 15 × 106/mL, or motility < 40%. Among couples whose male partner had low TT and couples with a male partner having TT > 264 ng/dL, a live birth was reported for 21 (18.8%) and 184 (27.5%), respectively. Couples whose male partner had low TT showed reduction in odds of live birth by 40%.
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