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Association between severe maternal morbidity and psychiatric illness within 1 year of hospital discharge after delivery

Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 04, 2019

Lewkowitz AK, et al. - Researchers examined the association between severe maternal morbidity (as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the risk of psychiatric illness in the year after delivery hospital discharge. In this retrospective cohort study, the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes were used within Florida's Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's databases and inclusion of 15,510 women with severe maternal morbidity and 1,178,458 without severe maternal morbidity was done. Outcomes revealed an association of severe maternal morbidity with increased risk of severe postpartum psychiatric morbidity (suicide attempt, depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychosis, acute stress reaction, or adjustment disorder) and substance use disorder, although the absolute numbers were modest. Almost a twofold higher risk of postpartum substance use disorder was observed among women with severe maternal morbidity. The highest risk interval was within 4 months of hospital discharge
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