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Association between serum vitamin B6 concentration and risk of osteoporosis in the middle-aged and older people in China: A cross-sectional study

BMJ Open Jul 10, 2019

Wang J, et al. - Through a cross-sectional study within the framework of an ongoing prospective population-based cohort study of a total of 1,829 residents from two subdistricts in Shanghai, China, the researchers assessed the correlation between serum vitamin B6 (Vit B6) concentration and the status of bone mineral density and recognized the association between serum Vit B6 and bone metabolism parameters in middle-aged and older people. No important linear trend among serum Vit B6 concentrations and lumbar bone mass were observed in the men. The average osteoporosis (a systemic skeletal disease that boosts bone fragility and the risk of fracture by decreasing bone mass and causing microarchitectural deterioration) risk was 61% greater at serum Vit B6 concentrations of <19.2 μg/L as compared to those of >26.9 μg/L, in women. After controlling serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and parathyroid hormone concentration, no significance could be concluded. The serum Vit B6 concentration was markedly negatively associated with concentrations of the bone turnover marker including N-terminal propeptide of type I collagen, β-C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen and osteocalcin, in the osteoporotic women. Moreover, a positive correlation Vit B6 to the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and inversely relation with the serum parathyroid hormone concentration was discovered. Hence, in postmenopausal women, a relatively low serum Vit B6 concentration even in the normal range, could be a risk factor for osteoporosis, which was observed as dependent on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and parathyroid hormone concentration.
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