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Association between resistin gene (−420 C > G) polymorphism and acne vulgaris

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Jun 04, 2021

Akcılar R, et al. - Researchers, for the first time, intended to determine if there is an association between acne vulgaris (AV) risk, pathogenesis, clinical phenotype distributions, and resistin gene (−420 C > G) polymorphism in the Turkish population. This study included 94 patients with AV and 94 healthy controls. The distribution of genotype frequencies of resistin gene (−420 C > G) polymorphism between the AV and healthy controls was significantly different. The authors discovered that the resistin gene (−420 C > G) CG genotype was associated with a lower risk of acne vulgaris. Findings suggested an association of resistin gene (−420 C > G) polymorphism with AV pathogenesis. The CG genotype plays a protective role and may be associated with a lower risk of AV development. Furthermore, research is needed to confirm these findings in other populations.

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