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Association between predialysis hypermagnesaemia and morbidity of uraemic restless legs syndrome in maintenance hemodialysis patients: A retrospective observational study in Zhejiang, China

BMJ Open Jul 15, 2019

Yang Y, et al. - Via a retrospective observational study of morbidity of uraemic restless legs syndrome (RLS, one of the most important types of secondary RLS, contributing to further impairments in the already diminished quality of life and health status of the patient with uraemia) conducted on 578 subjects receiving maintenance hemodialysis for >1 year, the researchers intended to ascertain whether the predialysis serum magnesium level was correlated with morbidity of uraemic RLS. The prevalence of uraemic RLS was observed at 14.4% in the cohort. Subjects with uraemic RLS varied markedly from non-RLS ones in certain demographic and clinical characteristics (younger age, longer dialysis duration, higher serum parathyroid hormone level and higher prevalence of predialysis hyperphosphataemia and hypermagnesaemia). Also, predialysis hypermagnesaemia was independently correlated with uraemic RLS and presented an elevation in the morbidity of the syndrome. Moreover, dialysis duration and predialysis hyperphosphataemia were independently linked to the morbidity of uraemic RLS. Hence, it was concluded that in maintenance hemodialysis patients, the pre-dialysis serum magnesium level was affiliated with morbidity of uraemic RLS and that predialysis hypermagnesaemia could serve as an independent risk factor for the syndrome.
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