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Association between maternal adherence to healthy lifestyle practices and risk of obesity in offspring: Results from two prospective cohort studies of mother-child pairs in the United States

BMJ Jul 12, 2018

Dhana K, et al. - This prospective cohort studies of mother-child pairs intended to investigate the relationship between an overall maternal healthy lifestyle and the risk of developing obesity in offspring. Participants in the study were 24,289 Growing Up Today Study (GUTS) participants aged 9-14 years at baseline who were free of obesity and born to 16,945 Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII) women. Researchers reported that adherence to a healthy lifestyle in mothers during their offspring’s childhood and adolescence was correlated with a substantially decreased risk of obesity in the children. This investigation highlighted the potentially critical role of maternal lifestyle choices in the etiology of childhood obesity and lend support to family or parent based intervention strategies for decreasing childhood obesity risk.
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