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Association between lifestyle and thyroid dysfunction: A cross-sectional epidemiologic study in the She ethnic minority group of Fujian Province in China

BMC Endocrine Disorders Aug 02, 2019

Huang Y, Cai L, Zheng Y, et al. - Using data from 5,154 She ethnic minority people (aged 20 to 80 years) who were enrolled into the epidemic survey of diabetes between July 2007 and September 2009, researchers carried out this population-based study to examine potential connections between several lifestyle factors and the incidence of thyroid dysfunction. Utilizing a standard questionnaire, lifestyle information was gathered. The overall prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 6.72% of the 5,154 participants included in the study. Findings revealed that there is a lower incidence of hyperthyroidism in people who drank, had higher education, or suffered from insomnia. A reduced incidence of hypothyroidism correlated with smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, weight watching, and chronic headache. Associations were found between different lifestyle factors and the incidence of different thyroid diseases within the Chinese She ethnic minority. Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight could have a positive impact on thyroid health.

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