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Association between intensity of statin therapy and mortality in persons with chronic kidney disease

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Feb 14, 2020

Walther CP, et al. - Researchers analyzed US veterans with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stages G3a, G3b or G4, and new, persistent statin use, from 2005 to 2015, in this retrospective cohort analysis, to examine the link between the intensity of statin therapy during the initial 1-year exposure period and all-cause mortality over the subsequent 4 years. The intensity of statin therapy was classified as low (expected LDL-C reduction < 30%), medium (30 to < 50%) or high (≥ 50%). There were 65,292 participants in total, of whom, 40,124 (61.5%) had CKD G3a, 20,183 (30.9%) G3b and 4,985 (7.6%) G4. Findings revealed no significant links between statin intensity over 1 year of exposure and subsequent mortality in this sample of US veterans with CKD. In view of this revelation, the current KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guideline recommendations to use statins and dosages that have been examined particularly in CKD populations, rather than intensity-based dosing, are supported.
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