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Association between heterozygote Val92Met MC1R gene polymorphisms with incidence of melasma: A study of Javanese women population in Yogyakarta

Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Jul 08, 2019

Suryaningsih BE, et al. - In a Javanese women population, researchers explored the connection between Val92Met and Arg163Gln genotypes of Melanocortin-1 Receptor gene polymorphisms with the incidence of melasma [hyperpigmentation disorder with a symmetrical distribution mostly over the face] using unmatched case-control design, conducted by clinical examination and questionnaire. This investigation assessed 158 Javanese women from 18–60 years old with 79 case and 79 control subjects. This is the first study on melasma incidence in an Indonesian population and contributes to ongoing efforts to understand melasma mechanisms. Risk factors for melasma incidence were Val92Met genotypes, sun exposure and family history.
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