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Association between freestanding dialysis facility size and Medicare quality incentive program performance scores

American Journal of Nephrology Dec 21, 2018

Ajmal F, et al. - In this cross-sectional analysis, researchers examined the link between freestanding dialysis facility size and quality incentive program (QIP) scores (used by Medicare to assess care in dialysis facilities). For 5,193 freestanding dialysis facilities that received QIP scores in 2015, they compared QIP scores across levels of facility size. A higher score was achieved by facilities operating more than 10 dialysis stations vs those operating fewer. Also, higher QIP scores were achieved by facilities in the South and Northeast, not offering peritoneal dialysis, affiliated with chains (except chain 3) and spending more hours per dialysis, as well as by facilities reporting a higher proportion of Hispanic patients and of patients with access to pre-end-stage renal disease (ESRD) nephrologist care. Conversely, a lower score was achieved by facilities with a higher Black patient population and higher patient travel distances.
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