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Association between exercise type and the decline in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older women: A 4-year prospective study

Preventive Medicine Apr 12, 2018

Osuka Y, et al. - In this 4-year prospective cohort study in Japan, researchers investigated the longitudinal links between exercise types and the onset of decline of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in community-dwelling older women aged ≥75 years who participated in 16 exercise types based on a face-to-face interview at baseline. Using the instrumental self-maintenance subscale of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology index of competence, a decline in IADL was assessed. Participation in calisthenics was found to be significantly and independently related to delayed IADL decline, indicating the possible utility of calisthenics in slowing IADL decline in this age group.
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