Association between exercise training in haemodialysis patients and burden of their family caregivers: A cross-sectional study
Nephrology Feb 01, 2020
Garcia RSA, Pinheiro BV, Lucinda LMF, et al. - Taking into account the link of exercise programmes with a range of benefits for end-stage renal disease patients, researchers undertook this cross-sectional study to assess the link between haemodialysis (HD) patients’ engagement in intradialytic exercise training with the burden of their family caregivers. They selected 60 caregivers of HD patients, including 30 caregivers who provided care to patients that regularly engaged in an exercise programme during dialysis sessions, and 30 who cared for patients undergoing usual HD treatment without intradialytic exercise. A significant link of global Caregiver Burden Scale score with the exercise training was revealed, on multiple linear regression, following adjustment for age, educational level and anxiety level of caregivers, and dependency level of patients assessed by the Lawton scale. Less caregiver burden, a better quality of life and lower anxiety and depression levels were observed in caregivers of HD patients submitted to intradialytic exercise vs caregivers of patients undergoing usual treatment. Overall, findings revealed a link between intradialytic exercise training in HD patients and a lower burden of their family caregivers.
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