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Association between Fas/FasL gene polymorphism and musculoskeletal degenerative diseases: A meta-analysis

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 16, 2018

Huang D, et al. - Authors elaborately summarized and evaluated the relationship between the Fas (rs1800682, rs2234767) and FasL (rs5030772, rs763110) gene polymorphism and musculoskeletal degenerative diseases (MSDD). Findings suggested an association of Fas (rs1800682) and FasL (rs763110) polymorphism with the risk of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD) and correlation of Fas (rs2234767) to the susceptibility of OA and RA. Experts noted a greater likeliness of association of Fas (rs1800682) and Fas (rs2234767) with MSDD for Chinese people. For both Caucasoid and Chinese race groups, FasL (rs763110) was related to the progression of MSDD. There might not be any association between FasL (rs5030772) and any types of MSDD or any race groups statistically.
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