Association between Dietary Inflammatory Index and bone density in lactating women at 6 months postpartum: A longitudinal study
BMC Public Health Aug 14, 2019
Zhou Y, Zhu X, Zhang M, et al. - Using a cohort of 150 lactating women, researchers focused on the possible link between Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) and maternal bone density during lactation. Using semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires, they calculated DII scores and divided those into tertiles. Without adjustment for any covariates, less bone mass loss was observed in women in Q1 of DII scores vs those in Q2 and Q3. Much more bone loss was evident in those in the highest tertile of DII scores vs those in the lowest tertile, after adjusting demographic features like body mass index (kg/m2) at 6 months postpartum, educational level, metabolic equivalent, daily energy intake (kcal/d). Overall, more bone mass loss was seen in correlation with higher DII scores among Chinese lactating women; however, based on covariates and confounders considered in statistical analysis, attenuation and/or vanishing of significant differences and trends was noted.
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