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Association between conscientiousness and peritoneal dialysis‐related peritonitis

Nephrology Jul 27, 2021

Komatsu S, Hara T, Hiratsuka M, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective observational study with adult patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, to assess the link between the risk of peritonitis (a critical complication in this patient group) and conscientiousness of the patient. Patients were analyzed using the Japanese version of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. Peritonitis developed in 32 of 111 patients enrolled. On the basis of a mean conscientiousness score of 3.991, participants were split into the more conscientious group (n = 64) and less conscientious group (n = 47). Per findings, less conscientious ones significantly exhibited shorter peritonitis-free survival in the early phase following peritoneal dialysis induction although not significantly over the whole study span. Assessment of the personality trait by employing the Ten-Item Personality Inventory could assist in educating as well as following up patients receiving peritoneal dialysis.

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