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Association between cervical degeneration and self-perceived nonrecovery after whiplash injury

The Spine Journal Sep 11, 2019

Rydman E, et al. - Via a longitudinal cohort study of 121 patients attending the Emergency Department because of neck pain after MVA, 2015–2017, with a valid CT-scan of the cervical spine and completion of follow up after 6 months, experts examined the relationship between cervical degeneration on CT and nonrecovery following whiplash trauma. Moderate facet joint degeneration was related to nonrecovery. In the group with moderate degree of facet joint degeneration, in comparison with 23.6% among patients without any signs of degeneration, 69.6% reported nonrecovery. No correlation between disc degeneration and nonrecovery was found. Combined facet joint degeneration and disc degeneration were related to nonrecovery. Hence, these results imply that cervical degeneration, particularly facet joint degeneration, is a risk factor for nonrecovery following whiplash trauma. Moreover, it was hypothesized that whiplash trauma could be a trigger for the painful manifestation of formerly asymptomatic facet joint degeneration.
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