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Association between biomarkers of mineral and bone metabolism and removal of calcium and phosphate in hemodialysis

Blood Purification Nov 21, 2019

Debowska M, Dai L, Wojcik-Zaluska A, et al. - Researchers performed this study on 25 anuric patients, to examine the interdependencies between biomarkers of mineral and bone metabolism and the elimination of phosphate and calcium during hemodialysis, to completely understand this complicated association. Among participants, monitoring of three subsequent hemodialysis sessions during a 1-week treatment cycle with interdialytic periods of 2–2-3 days was performed. A positive correlation with serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) was displayed by post-dialytic and intra-dialytic serum phosphate of midweek hemodialysis session and phosphate mass removed within 1 week. They detected an increased level of osteocalcin in relation to a higher level of serum PTH. Positive correlation with serum osteocalcin was demonstrated by pre-dialytic, post-dialytic, average for treatment time and average weekly levels of ionized calcium in serum. Findings revealed a link of phosphate elimination with serum PTH during hemodialysis, whereas the influence of serum osteocalcin and osteopontin on calcium kinetics was also revealed. Active processes including biomarkers of mineral and bone metabolism were shown to be influenced by the phosphate and calcium kinetics already within 4 h hemodialysis sessions.
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