Association between bacterial vaginosis and fecundability in kenyan women planning pregnancies: A prospective preconception cohort study
Human Reproduction Feb 23, 2021
Lokken EM, Manhart LE, Kinuthia J, et al. - Researchers examined if bacterial vaginosis (BV) is correlated with fecundability via conducting a prospective cohort study of Kenyan women with fertility intent that included monthly preconception visits with vaginal fluid specimen collection and pregnancy testing. Enrollment of a total of 458 women attempting pregnancy for ≤ 3 menstrual cycles was performed in this fecundability analysis. Of 1,376 menstrual cycles contributed by the participants, 18.5% (n = 255) resulted in pregnancy. BV at the visit prior to pregnancy testing was noted to be linked with a 17% lower fecundability after adjusting for age, frequency of condomless sex and study site. A 43% reduction in fecundability was observed in correlation with persistent BV compared with cycles characterized by optimal vaginal health. Per these findings, women with BV appeared to be at raised risk for sub-fecundity.
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