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Association between anterior chamber angle and corneal endothelial cell density in chronic angle closure

Clinical Ophthalmology May 13, 2021

Soebijantoro I, et al. - In this multi-hospital, same-institution, cross-sectional study, researchers intended to determine if there is an association between corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) and degree of anterior chamber angle opening in eyes with chronic angle closure glaucoma. This investigation was carried out at JEC Eye Hospitals in Indonesia. Treatment-naïve patients aged ≥ 40 years with IOP > 21 mmHg and peripheral anterior chamber depth grade 2 or less by Van Herick’s technique have been selected. In total, 52 individuals (52 eyes) were selected (16 grade 1 TIA, 24 grade 2 TIA, and 12 grade 3 TIA). The corneal ECD and morphological features like the coefficient of variation and hexagonality were not significantly different across various TIA grading in chronic angle closure. Because TIA had no direct effect on IOP, this could be attributed to a lack of chronic and gradual IOP insult on corneal endothelial parameters.

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