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Association and predictive value of geriatric nutritional risk index, body composition, or bone mineral density in haemodialysis patients

Nephrology Mar 17, 2021

Mizuiri S, Nishizawa Y, Doi T, et al. - Among haemodialysis (HD) patients, this inquiry was conducted to examine the link as well as predictive worth of geriatric nutritional risk index (GNRI), body composition, and bone mineral density (BMD). This analysis involved 264 patients [age 65 ± 12 years and dialysis vintage was 79 (39‐144) months]. GNRI tertiles (T)1, T2, and T3 were defined as 88 (85‐91), 94 (93‐95), and 98 (97‐101), respectively. Lower fat tissue index (FTI), lean tissue index, and femoral neck, lumbar spine, and distal mid‐third radius BMD were detected in patients in GNRI T1, but these patients were found to have higher overhydration/extracellular fluid compared with patients in GNRI T2 or T3. A significant link of GNRI with FTI, lean tissue index, and femoral neck, lumbar spine, and distal mid‐third radius BMD, was identified. Experts found GNRI as a significant predictor of 2‐year all‐cause death. Overall, findings corroborated links between GNRI, body composition, and BMD in HD patients. An improved mortality prediction in HD patients was achieved by integrating GNRI with conventional risk factors.

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