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Association analysis of copy number variations in type 2 diabetes-related susceptible genes in a Chinese population

Acta Diabetologica Jun 06, 2018

Yan YX, et al. - Experts attempted to investigate genetic effects of common copy number variations (CNVs) in Type 2 diabetes (T2D) related susceptible genes in a Chinese population. For the purpose of this investigation, seven common CNV loci were chosen from genes enclosing the susceptible single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of T2D confirmed by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and replication studies conducted in East Asia population. The results of this study revealed that there were three CNV loci (nsv6360, nsv8414 and nsv1898) associated with T2D and a significant cumulative impact of these loci on the risk of T2D. For the identification of genetic susceptibility for T2D, the comprehensive effects of both CNVs and SNPs could provide a more useful tool.
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