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Associated factors for depressive disorder in patients with end-stage renal disease treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management Apr 06, 2019

Traisathit P, et al. - In continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), researchers principally assessed factors correlated with depressive disorders. For this investigation, they included patients with CAPD from the chronic kidney disease and CAPD Clinic of University Hospital. The study included CAPD patients who were stable for at least 3 months; there were 108 patients eligible participants. Investigators found that the prevalence of depressive disorder in patients with CAPD was high. Including, minor depressive, dysthymic, and major depressive disorders, 11% of CAPD patients were diagnosed with depressive disorders. Depressive disorders were correlated with the length of time between date of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) diagnosis and date of initial treatment date. When patients have a shorter time between ESRD diagnosis and initial therapy, risk of depressive disorder increases. Psychiatrists should be consulted for the evaluation, treatment, and close monitoring of depressive disorders in these high-risk patients.

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