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Assessment of the reliability of hand-held surface scanner in the evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

European Spine Journal Feb 27, 2021

Yıldırım Y, Tombak K, Karaşin S, et al. - This study was attempted to explore the reliability of hand-held 3D scanners on the assessment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Researchers enrolled a total of 42 AIS patients. They estimated root mean square (RMS) of the point-to-point distance, and the variations between the surfaces were ascertained. They further estimated the relationship between RMS, Cobb, POTSI, scoliometer, radiographic rotations, TRACE results. The results of this study demonstrate that the hand-held scanners may contribute to gaining new insight into diagnosis and follow-up of AIS by its mobility that enables the acquisition of data in desired body position and place such as bedside or the patient clinics.

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