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Assessment of the rate of premolar extraction space closure in the maxillary arch with the AcceleDent Aura appliance vs no appliance in adolescents: A single-blind randomized clinical trial

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Jan 07, 2018

Miles P, et al. - This 2-arm parallel trial was performed to evaluate the effect of the AcceleDent Aura appliance (OrthoAccel Technologies, Houston, Tex) on the rate of maxillary premolar extraction space closure in adolescent patients. The researchers found no effect of AcceleDent Aura appliance on the rate of maxillary premolar extraction space closure. Only a few participants were considered to be good compliers with the appliance. However, in the good compliers, the rate of space closure was similar to the overall group and did not seem to influence the outcome.
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