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Assessment of the oral health behavior, knowledge and status among dental and medical undergraduate students: A cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health Feb 05, 2019

Yao K, et al. - In this study, authors investigated the dental and medical undergraduate students in the first (fresh) and third-year study (3DS) to assess their status of oral health knowledge and behavior. They reported dental first-year (1DS) students superior to the medical ones in case of the brushing methods and the awareness of oral disease-systemic disease relationship. They noticed a highly significant improvement in the frequency of brushing teeth, brushing methods of vertical scrub or Bass technique, usage of floss or mouth wash, causes of caries, periodontal diseases and system diseases among 1DS. They noted more prevalence rates of bad breath, gum bleeding, and tooth discoloration among third-year medical students (3MS). They recorded only 17.2% of junior students with good oral health, including 23.8% of dental students and 11.4% of medical students indicating a need to promote the reform of oral health education.
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