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Assessment of freezing different types of surgically acquired sperm: Impact on fertilization, blastocyst formation and pregnancy outcomes

Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019

McCormick S, et al. - Outcomes following use of fresh and frozen sperm retrieved using different surgical approaches (TESA, microTESE or PESA) were compared. Significantly lower fertilization rates with cryopreservation of PESA, TESA and microTESE sperm compared to fresh samples were noted. From an IVF lab viewpoint, more difficulty is observed in using frozen samples especially TESA and MicroTESE samples. For these, longer time periods, sometimes several hours, are required to find adequate sperm with more than one embryologist performing the ICSI. Oftentimes, due to the lower motility found in these samples, sperm selection is compromised.
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