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Assessment of dietary intake and mineral status in pregnant women

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics May 17, 2018

Kocylowski R, et al. - In view of the significance of nutritional status of pregnant women for the proper progression of a pregnancy and the development and health of the foetus, researchers evaluated the dietary intake of pregnant women and their nutritional status of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Cu. One hundred and eight pregnant women (ages 18–42) were assessed at 6–32 weeks of gestation. Their diet was noted to be characterized by low levels of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, vitamin D, and folic acid. They noted a significant increase in the daily Fe and folic acid intake via dietary supplementation with vitamins and minerals among these women. The concentration of Zn and Mg in hair depends on the age of pregnant women and Mg level in the hair of women decreases during pregnancy.
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