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Assessment of dental implant stability in osseodistraction-generated bone: A resonance frequency analysis

Clinical Oral Implants Research Aug 17, 2018

Bilbao A, et al. - In osseodistraction-generated (ODG) bone, authors ascertained the implant stability after a 2-month consolidation period, assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Within the limitations of this study, after a 2-month consolidation period, high primary and secondary stabilities after implant placement are offered by osteogenic distraction (OD) bone. For both bone types, findings suggested a positive linear association between the implant stability quotient (ISQ) values at implant placement (primary stability) and the post-integration ISQ score (secondary stability), but only 16% of the post-integration ISQ in the ODG bone could be attributed to the primary stability.
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