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Assessment of a modified renal angina index for AKI prediction in critically ill adults

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Feb 25, 2021

Ortiz-Soriano V, Kabir S, Stromberg A, et al. - Researchers assessed a modified adult renal angina index (RAI) [mRAI] with respect to its performance for risk-stratification of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill adults. Two independent ICU cohorts were included: 13,965 adult patients from the University of Kentucky and 4,789 from UT Southwestern. The mRAI incorporated: diabetes, presence of sepsis, mechanical ventilation, pressor/inotrope use, % alteration in SCr in reference to admission SCr, and fluid overload % within the first day of ICU admission. Findings revealed a better performance of the adult mRAI score, determined within the first day of ICU admission in critically ill adults, for predicting AKI stage ≥ 2 at Day 2-7 of ICU stay when compared with that of alterations in SCr. These data indicate the feasibility of the modified adult RAI as an instrument for risk-stratification of AKI in adult patients in the ICU.

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