Assessing the need for arthritis training among paid carers in UK residential care homes: A focus group and interview study
Musculoskeletal Care Aug 17, 2017
Whybrow P, et al. – The experts intended to perform an educational and training needs assessment for arthritis care in residential homes. It was reported that education for paid carers regarding arthritis was lacking and lags behind education about conditions such as dementia and diabetes. Therefore, the experts recommended that training should be aimed at improving confidence in communicating with colleagues, residents and health professionals, with senior care staff receiving more in–depth training.
- Qualitative data were collected from 3 purposively selected residential homes: one independent, one in a regional chain and one in a national chain.
- Three researcher–led focus groups were conducted with paid carers (N = 22) using vignette exercises; interviews were undertaken with 12 residents with joint pain (N = 12), five managerial staff and two general practitioners (GPs).
- Data were compared and analysed thematically around care practices, communication and training.
- Evidence showed that there was a lack of arthritis awareness among paid carers, although they regularly identify and manage arthritic symptoms.
- Findings displayed that residents rely on paid carers to recognize when pain and mobility problems were treatable.
- Senior staff and GPs rely on carers to identify arthritic problems.
- However, paid carers themselves undervalued the health significance of their activities and lacked the confidence to communicate important information to healthcare professionals.
- Few of the paid carers had received training in arthritis and many expressed a strong desire to learn about it, to improve their ability to provide better care.
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