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Assessing the hydration status of children with chronic kidney disease and on dialysis: A comparison of techniques

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation May 07, 2018

Eng CSY, et al. - In this longitudinal study of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD)5-5D and age-matched healthy controls, researchers investigated a correlation between optimal weight by bioimpedance spectroscopy (Wt-BIS) and clinical assessment (Wt-CA). They also compared the accuracy of Wt-BIS [relative overhydration (Rel-OH)] against indicators of fluid status and cardiovascular measures. In children on dialysis but not in CKD5 or control subjects, a poor agreement was found between Wt-CA and Wt-BIS. A correlation of Rel-OH with peripheral pulse pressure, higher N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter was noted. Overall, for the assessment of hydration status in children on dialysis, BIS afforded an objective method. In these subjects, a marked discrepancy was noted between blood pressure and hydration status.
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