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Assessing C reactive protein/albumin ratio as a new biomarker for polycystic ovary syndrome: A case–control study of women from Bahraini medical clinics

BMJ Open Nov 01, 2018

Kalyan S, et al. - In this case-control study, researchers assessed serum C reactive protein (CRP)/albumin ratio as a potential predictive biomarker for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as well as compared the association between CRP/albumin and PCOS to variables classically related to the syndrome. Study participants were 200 premenopausal women with a diagnosis of PCOS, and 119 ethnically matched eumenorrheic premenopausal women. The study results showed that CRP/albumin ratio was a stronger correlate of PCOS than both free androgens and insulin resistance. They found that inflammation is known to be influenced by adiposity, but relative to controls, women with PCOS have higher levels of CRP/albumin regardless of body mass index (BMI). Therefore, supporting the view that inflammation plays a central role in the pathophysiology of PCOS.
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