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Aspirin thromboprophylaxis confers no increased risk for aseptic loosening following cementless primary hip arthroplasty

Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 19, 2019

Goswami K, et al. - A total of 1,262 consecutive primary uncemented total hip arthroplasty (THA) conducted between 2006-2017 were recruited in a study by experts to assess whether patients who received aspirin for thromboprophylaxis had higher rates of aseptic loosening (most frequent cause for revision surgery in THA, accounting for between 55-70% of revision procedures) in comparison with subjects who received warfarin following THA. No variation in the rates of revision for aseptic loosening among patients in the aspirin cohort and the warfarin cohort was noted. No notable variation was observed in aseptic loosening rates between patients treated with aspirin and those treated with warfarin, after accounting for confounding variables. Perioperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs had no significant correlation with aseptic loosening. Hence, progressing evidence in favor of the use of aspirin were concluded, while multiple agents were available for venous thromboprophylaxis. Furthermore, this study reduced the notion that aspirin elevated the rates of aseptic loosening after uncemented hip arthroplasty.
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