Arthroscopically assisted reduction and internal fixation (ARIF) vs open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for lateral tibial plateau fractures: A comparative retrospective study
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research May 31, 2019
Verona M, et al. - In the treatment of tibial lateral plateau fractures, researchers desired to know whether the arthroscopically assisted reduction and internal fixation (ARIF) technique was superior to the traditional open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) technique. From 2012 to 2017, 40 patients with tibial plateau fractures (Schatzker type I–III) treated with ARIF or ORIF were involved. According to this retrospective study, the treatment of Schatzker I–III tibial plateau fractures was satisfactorily achieved by both ARIF and ORIF. ARIF, however, led to better clinical outcomes than ORIF. In perioperative complications, radiological results, and post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis, no statistically significant differences were found.
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